GIGREE is implementing a one-year project (September 2023-December 2024) in Benue State, Nigeria with support from Mundo Cooperante, an organization based in Madrid Spain. This project, “The Global Initiative to End Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation” is being implemented by our organization in Benue State Nigeria as “Leave no Girl Behind“. This initiative aims to encourage school retention and completion by adolescent girls to delay marriage. This initiative has the following activities:
1. Payment of tuition fees for 60 primary schools and 50 secondary school girls for a session (1 year)
2. Distribution of customized school bags, books, and stationery.
3. Creation of school clubs as safe spaces for them to learn about their sexuality including prevention of early/unplanned pregnancy.
4. Launching of the school buddy initiative. These school buddies are volunteers from the community who will be volunteering to support these girls with schoolwork and motivate them to complete school.
5. Economic empowerment initiative to support parents/guardians of the participants/beneficiaries so they can continue to have income/livelihood to help the girls through school once the grant period is over, more like sustainability.